How to buy $BULL

Purchasing $BULL tokens is a straightforward process designed to be accessible for both new and experienced users. Below, you'll find an overview and detailed instructions on how to acquire $BULL tokens using popular Solana wallets like Phantom and Solflare.


Before you start, you'll need the Contract Address (CA) for $BULL.

  • Contract Address (CA):


  • Buy on Radium Link:

  • Jupiter Swap:

  • Dexscreener Link:

These links and the CA will help you navigate the buying process more smoothly and securely.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Set Up Your Wallet

  • Download and install either Phantom or Solflare. These wallets support Solana-based assets and will allow you to manage your $BULL tokens.

Step 2: Fund Your Wallet

  • Deposit SOL into your wallet. If you don't already have SOL, you can purchase some directly through the wallet interface or transfer from an exchange where you have an account.

Step 3: Swap SOL for $BULL

For Solflare Users:

  • Go to the swap feature within Solflare.

  • Select SOL for the input and search for $BULL by typing "BullVerse" or manually entering the provided Contract Address.

For Phantom Users:

  • Open the built-in browser in the Phantom wallet (located at the bottom right corner).

  • Navigate to Jupiter and initiate the swap process.

  • You may need to select "All Tokens" and disable "Enable Strict Token Lists" to find $BULL.

  • Enter the Contract Address if $BULL does not automatically appear when you write BullVerse

Step 4: Execute the Swap

  • Enter the amount of SOL or other tokens you wish to swap for $BULL.

  • Confirm the transaction details and execute the swap.

Step 5: Confirm Your $BULL Tokens

  • Once the swap is complete, you can check the status of your $BULL tokens directly in your wallet's main interface.

Step 6: Monitoring and Further Trades

  • To trade your $BULL tokens in the future or check your investment status, simply repeat the steps above or use your wallet’s tools to monitor your holdings.

Last updated