📋Features Overview

Welcome to the guide on the features offered by BullVerse. This section provides you with a detailed walkthrough of each feature, showcasing how they work and the benefits they bring to your experience. We've included step-by-step instructions and screenshots to ensure you can fully leverage these features.

Twitter-like Social Experience

Publications, Retweets, and Reactions

BullVerse brings a social media twist to the crypto world, offering a Twitter-like experience where users can publish posts, retweet, and express bullish or bearish sentiments on posts. This feature initiates a dynamic community interaction

  • Benefits: Enhances user engagement and provides insight on posts directly from the community.

How to Use:

Publish a Post:

  • Click the 'New Post' button on your dashboard.


  • Click the repost icon on a post to share it with your followers.


  • Select either the bullish or bearish icon to express your sentiment on any post.

Buy and Sell tokens (Coming SOON)

Raise Funds

  • Utilize our platform to launch fundraising campaigns for your projects or any cause. Whether you're starting fresh or scaling up, our tools help you connect with potential investors to secure the capital you need to grow. This feature can be used to host pre-sales.

Gold Checkmark (For Partners and Serious projects)

  • Our Gold Checkmark is reserved for distinguished partners and significant projects that meet higher verification standards. This prestigious badge not only boosts your project's credibility but also enhances its visibility within our community.

Promoted Posts

  • You can advertise a project in various ways on our platform. You can use a standard ad display to show in feeds and various places around the platform. To further increase the reach you can utilize promoted announcements that appear directly in the user's inbox. This targeted approach ensures maximum visibility and engagement, making it an effective way to communicate important updates or promotions.

Monetize Premium Content

  • Monetize your content directly on our platform. With our monetization tools, creators can generate revenue from their posts, offering exclusive or premium content to their followers for a fee.

Last updated